Red Summer - Relax Lofi

Music Production:

Purpose: Create a dreamy Lofi track.

I was approached by Zach to work on creating a lofi track that fused together guitar and vocals. Zach was inspired by my recent playing on Sleepless that was released by Chillhopguru this year. So in spirit of collaboration, Zach asked for me to record a guitar session and send over whatever I come up with. From there, we decided to pitch down the loops, layer over piano, and add a minimal drum beat. With a minimalist approach, we layered in a bass line with varied takes and inspiration from funk and lofi songs.


Purpose: This project was planned for a Full Sail University Assignment. In order to submit, we were required submissions to be at 44.1K Sample Rate & -14 LUFS and 16 Bits.

Process: A main focus on this track was planning the vocals by using a multi-compression bus route. I ran the vocals through 5 compressors in parallel all summing to the master vocal bus. The result was a rich, flowing, dynamic vocal track that required few editing other than pitch correction and EQ. Otherwise the rest of the track was brauerized using multi-bus compression.


  • Software:

    • Ableton Live Suite 11.1

    • Pro Tools 12

    • API-2500 plugin

    • Puigchild plugin

    • CLA 76

    • CLA 3A

    • J37 Tape Machine Plugin

    • Izotope Neoverb

    • Logic Pro

    • Juno 60 Chorus

    • Ableton Live Chorus

  • Hardware:

    • Scarlett 18i20


  • Wayne Brown

  • Zach Michaels


April Dreams -Dreamy & Sleepy Lofi